

Translating the spice rack

anise = anis

anise, star = anis étoilé

basil = basilic

chives = ciboulette

cilantro = coriandre frais

caraway = carvi

bay leaf = laurier

clove = girolfe

coriander = coriandre

dill = aneth

four spices = quatre-épices

garlic = ail

licorice = réglisse

marjoram, sweet = marjolaine

mint = menthe

nutmeg = noix de muscade

oregano = origan

parsley = persil

pepper = poivre

rosemary = romarin

saffron = safran

sage = sauge

salt = sel

sorrel = oseille

sweet-and-sour = aigre-doux

thyme = thym

turmeric = curcuma


pamarama said...

Merci -- I learned a couple of food words I didn't know already! Juste une petite clarification: Anise (anis) and star anise (anis étoilé ou badiane) are not the same spice. Anise a small seed that resembles fennel or dill seed and is the flavoring of Anisette, among other things; star anise a large, multiseeded pod that is used in many Thai (and Southeast Asian) recipes, including pho broth. Either way, both are delicious!

Steph said...

Turmeric = Curcuma

It took me a while to figure that one out!

Dori said...

Thanks guys, I updated the list with your suggestions.

You know Steph, that reminds me of when I came here to be with my boyfriend. I knew his kitchen was going to be in a sorry state. He had no pepper, no salt... he only had one perfect bottle of turmeric. He still can't explain what possessed him to get it since he has no idea what to do with it :)